Kim Ho Diep
Vu Linh Ngoc Ky Lan
Phuong Mai Kim Ho Diep
Kim Tu Long Nhan Nhu Ngoc
Thoai My Yen Nga
Linh Tam Vua Minh
Trinh Trinh Ky The Loan
Chi Linh Xich Nhu Lan
Tu Suong Oanh Nga
Ngan Tuan Vo Chan Phuong
Trong Nghia Khong Thanh Hy
Cong Minh An Lac Vuong
Ngoc Dang Nhan Ba Mau
Thanh Son Bao Nguyen Dien Ha
Truong Hoang Long Thay Giao
Binh Tinh Kim Ho Diep (Luc nho)
Thanh Uyen SON
The story starts with Kim Ho Diep(Binh Tinh) who met a men. He asked her what happened and she told him that her father and mother were dead. So He became her "Su Phu". Then the real story starts. Now Kim Ho Diep is much older (Phuong Mai). Her "Su Phu" told her to search for Ngoc Ky Lan because her parents promised her to him. She is dressed as boy and met Ngoc Ky Lan. She does not tell him that she is that girl for who Ngoc Ky Lan has been searching for so long. Vo Chan Phuong(Ngan Tuan) and Khong Thanh Hy(Trong Nghia) told them that An lac Vuong want to betray the king (Linh Tam). Ngoc Ky Lan, Kim Ho Diep,
Nhan Nhu Ngoc( KTL), Vo Chan Phuong , Ky the Loan(Trinh Trinh) Khong Than Hy and Son (Than Uyen) fought for the King and were called Chieu Anh Hoang. Their enemies were An Lac Vuong(Cong Minh) and his two daughters Oanh Nga , Yen Nga (Tu Suong and Thoai My) and Xich Nhu Lan(Chi Linh) But Yen Nga betraied her father because she loves Nhan Nhu Ngoc(KTL). Later Xich Nhu didn't want to fight anymore because Vo Chan Phuong and Khong Thanh Hy were his brothers and he killed Khong Thanh Hy and he went away with Vo Chan Phuong. After the country was saved Kim Ho Diep told everybody that she was a girl. The King fell in love with her and wanted to marry her, but she still love Ngoc Ky Lan. Thoai My married Nhan Nhu Ngoc. When the King visited his "wife in the future" she told him that she loves Ngoc Ky Lan. The King was angry about it and said that tomorrow he will execute her. During the Execution a letter of the King arrived, which says that he had been thinking about the execution the whole night and that he decides to forgive them and that Ngoc Ky Lan could marry Kim Ho Diep. So Phuong Mai was saved. Happy End.
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